Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Dying Tradition of Sri Lankan Stilt Fishing, Captured in Powerful Photos

Steve McCurry captured an iconic image of Sri Lankan stilt fisherman back in 1995. Nowadays, not many remain as photographer Florian Müller found out.

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IBM lets scientists pay to play with its thinking supercomputer

IBM's Watson promises to usher in a new era of "cognitive computing," but, so far, all the system has demonstrated is a knack for game shows. Now, however, IBM has announced Watson Discovery Advisor, a cloud-based service that'll enable researchers...

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Humin adds context to your contacts for a smarter smartphone

Our phones have changed so much since the early days of the smartphone. We can now take amazing photos with them, play video games on them, track our health and fitness on them and of course use them to surf the internet. But the humble contacts app...

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Roam Britain's most famous art gallery with some nocturnal robots

Ever fancied roaming an art gallery through the eyes of a robot? For the next five days, that's the opportunity that London's Tate Britain is offering the citizens of the internet. After Dark will see four telepresence 'bots roam the halls of the...

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Samsung's premium Galaxy Alpha packs a metal frame and octa-core chip

Samsung's finally launched the much-leaked Galaxy Alpha, a fancier-looking but stripped-down version of the Galaxy S5. As expected, it sports a substantially different, less rounded design than the GS5, with metal sides that gives it a glancing...

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review: Kia’s Luxury Sedan Takes Aim at BMW—And Misses

[HTML1] WIRED WIRED: Piles of high-tech features, a powerful V8 engine, and a swanky interior in a car that looks great and is priced well below its competition. TIRED TIRED: None of those many features are unique to Kia, and the good acceleration time doesn’t make up for the fact that you feel like you’re […]

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Thursday, August 7, 2014