That question gets even trickier today, as Google Health is now encouraging users to upload “advance directives” – the official term for the document that lets your wishes known if you ever find yourself in a medical position where you’re unable to communicate (i.e. – if you want to be kept alive on a respirator if necessary).
The move is part of a new feature of Google Health that lets users upload scanned documents. And they’re making the process of publishing your advance directive fairly simple. “To complete your form, download it, print it out, complete it, scan it, and upload it to Google Health. Once you’ve uploaded the signed form, Google Health makes it easy to share it with your caregiver,” writes Google on their company blog.
The decision to have an advance directive in the first place is a very personal one, that traditionally speaking, would be something you share with your family or doctor. By having it online, and presumably shared with those that would need it, the grey area that can emerge with one’s final wishes could be eliminated. But it also means putting one of the most personal of documents both in Google’s hands and on the Web in general, where security remains an issue.
Personally, I’m a bit torn on the subject, so I figured it would be interesting to put to a poll. Cast your vote and share your opinion (or indecisiveness!) in the comments.
Would you upload an advance directive to Google?(trends)
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